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Therapy forms

Therapy forms are modes of counseling that use insights from various psychological streams. The main currents are psychoanalysis, client-centered, behaviorism and systems theory. The latter is not a current for some but we include it because of the strong tools it provides in the interaction mechanisms between people.

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Walter en Natasha hebben zich beiden gespecialiseerd in de integratieve psychotherapie.

Dit is een zienswijze waarbij per individu bekeken wordt wat voor hem/ haar het meest geschikt is door een integratie van benaderingen. Het is niet zozeer een shoppen naar handvaten vanuit de verschillende stromingen (eclectisch) maar wel een integratie van verschillende stromingen.

Onze ruime ervaring maakt dat we de begeleiding optimaal aanpassen aan de cliënt. Een integratie betekent dat 1 + 1 = meer dan 2. Met andere woorden, door integratie wordt de begeleidingsvorm sterker dan de som van de individuele delen.

Today there is also talk about the narrative approach and dialogism. These forms are integrated into all our counseling. Rewriting someone’s story, giving (new) meaning from the conversation so that a new story emerges where the client views, feels and acts upon the world and their happiness from a new perspective.

A therapeutic counseling is about change relative to today with regard to self co-determination of more conscious thinking, feeling and behavior through which one functions better for oneself, one’s relationship, one’s family, one’s surroundings and one’s professional environment.

There is little controversy surrounding the efficacy of therapeutic counseling.
We can reassure: therapy works !

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De werkzaamheid van de begeleidingsvorm geeft wat meer controverse.
Uit meta-analyses blijkt dat er weinig verschil is in de effectiviteit van de begeleidingsvormen.
Dit wordt het ‘dodo bird’ effect genoemd.

Er zijn enkele uitzonderingen hierop waarbij het gaat over zeer ernstige symptomen.

Samengevat kan men zeggen dat er niet één bevoorrechte en dus betere vorm is.

At Walsha, we monitor this by explicitly looking at the changes that the client himself indicates. One of the main and most important factors of counseling is that you, the client, feel heard and understood in an unconditional way. This also means that we dare to take less conventional positions to guide our clients.

What works is what we – together with you – go for.
We do this in a responsible and reasoned manner. We believe that psychotherapy should not be a reflection of societal norms in the current zeitgeist but rather science-based models that lead to better well-being in your!

Factors that help determine the efficacy of counseling include:

Openness and willingness to change on the part of the patient

  • Degree of motivation
  • Your inner strength and intelligence
  • Your social support from your environment

Walsha starts with a thorough intake, this in the form of a structured conversation. Together we look at the things you are struggling with, what your wishes and goals are and your motivation to change.

This allows us to indicate what can be expected. This both on the practical issues such as cost and time but of course mainly on the realistic and possible results.

Suppose someone with severe autism comes for counseling then it is not possible to “cure” of this but it is possible to make functioning optimal.

A well-directed and structured treatment;

Walsha will present a structured proposal for treatment from the intake. This means that in addition to the structured interview, we may also recommend a psychodiagnostic examination. After conducting this psychological (psychodiagnostic) examination, we will have sufficient tools to propose structured counseling to you.

Therapeutic competence of the psychotherapist and a positive psychotherapeutic relationship;

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Bij Walsha sta je als klant centraal. Eén van de voornaamste en belangrijkste factoren van een begeleiding is dat je, je als klant op onvoorwaardelijke wijze gehoord en begrepen voelt. Dit betekent ook dat wij minder conventionele standpunten durven innemen om jou te begeleiden.
Wat werkt is dat waar wij – samen met jou – voor gaan.
Als koppel (Walter en Natasha) wisselen wij onze ervaring voortdurend uit en optimaliseren wij onze aanpak en begeleidingswijze. Meer dan tienduizend uren aan therapeutische begeleiding resulteerde in honderden tevreden klanten die jou voorafgingen. Het ben jij, als klant van Walsha die de tevredenheid bepaald.

Model and techniques;

Walsha uses a wide range of models and techniques. As indicated, we make an integration of models and techniques from different streams. We reach out to these that benefit you as a customer.