Problems and life are inseparably intertwined. Sometimes problems take over and we wait (too) long to call for help. Seeking help, however, is a sign of boldness, strength and courage. Even if your life looks and feels as successful, but have not yet found the feeling of happiness we can help YOU.
Our therapeutic assistance is based on integrative psychology. A way of thinking where one approaches one phenomenon from different points of view, and exploit the best synergies in approach, which will lead to a significant change for you. The psychological and emotional growth process is initiated and promoted. Further integration with an experiential approach from psychodrama greatly enhances this growth process.
The guidance we describe below is indicative. It gives you an idea of where Walsha puts the focus. Each course is tailored to your needs.
Een grondige intake is een vast onderdeel van elk begeleidingstraject.
Vervolgens stellen we een traject samen dat het meest optimale is voor jou en jouw situatie. Dit traject bestaat uit een aantal modulaire aanpakken. Dit betekent dat we met enkele thema’s aan de slag gaan die we één voor één met jou doorwerken.
A thorough intake is a mandatory part of every counselling process.
We then put together a plan which is customized for you and your situation. This plan consists of a number of modular approaches. This means that we will work on a number of themes that we will work through with you, one by one.
This is the most effective way to initiate lasting changes in you that will make you feel better and, in the process, happier. You will experience it as determining for yourself how you will deal with situations in a new way.
It requires a good self-knowledge. Often we must first learn what we consider ourselves to be important. Next, this must be given the appropriate priority in our lives.
When children enter counseling, it is a strict condition for Walsha that both parents (and plus parents where appropriate) are willing to actively participate in the counseling program.
Schedule your appointment through ROSA,
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