Depression is a natural mechanism that activates our body. It aims for putting aside worries, burdens and obligations for a while in order to come to mental peace and then actively participate in life again in the group.
We distinguish between exogenous depression that is related to an event(s) and endogenous depression that has a biochemical cause.
Therapeutically, appropriate behavioral changes have the same effect as medication. We use that in counseling.
Read more about depression on our Diagnosis page.
Depression does not arise from working too much or too hard. It arises because our own needs are inadequate or not addressed. This then has mostly to do with insufficient consideration of what we ourselves need. Certain personality traits make some people more prone to depression than others.
Moreover, we see some obligations as not heavy at all. However, we forget that an in itself quite feasible load becomes an impossible one when it is constantly present. A nice comparison is to hold up a glass with your arm extended. No problem keeping this up for a few minutes, an hour, however, gets tough and 24 hours no one makes it.
First, when counseling for depression, we ensure adequate mental rest. In depression, more than in burnout, this is physically resting and putting aside your obligations. Three weeks often already have a good effect on your depressed feeling.
Then we map out what your day-to-day “burdens” are. Hierenboven we evaluate what your own needs are. Often these are not well known. An exploration of your own needs and giving them sufficient place in the new life is essential to treat depression.
We systematically introduce new behaviors that you will first apply in your personal life.
Your personality traits that contribute we look at critically. Above all, doing your best and putting others before yourself is one of the great pitfalls. Counseling consists of an integration of different forms of therapy, adapted to your person.
We redefine identity and the positive attributes that help define it. In short, you will learn to get the best out of yourself!
For counseling children and adolescents, it is a strict condition for Walsha that both parents (and plus parents where necessary) are willing to actively participate in the counseling process.
We work on the same topics as with adults. The main difference is in the methodology and techniques that will be adapted to the age of the child and it is a prerequisite for successful counseling that the family and especially the parents are actively involved. Parenting style may be a co-cause of depressive feelings in children. Destructive or non-helpful patterns are uncovered, new skills are taught so that the child learns to respond differently to certain situations. As a result, the child rediscovers himself, his talents and his potential and learns to be the best he can be.
To this end, various therapeutic techniques are combined, tailored to the child’s age. This includes play therapeutic, relaxation and behavioral work.
The family must provide the opportunity for the child to be allowed to be sufficiently himself and child. A counseling program is complete only when working with the entire family. With regard to insights into negative family dynamics, understanding personal frustrations, division of attention and so on, new interactions are discussed and implemented. We pay attention to the place each family member deserves and make sure destructive coalitions disappear. This is how the family will function most optimally.
Living with a partner with depression is quite a challenge. How does depression affect your relationship? Should you just accept it or should you also do something with it? What to do and what better not to do? Know that your partner, too, is probably left with many unanswered questions. Psychoeducation is appropriate here, together or separately. Then we will work with you to create the desired change in the way depression gains visibility in your daily lives.
Where appropriate, we work with group sessions, which include exchanges of experience, recognition and new ideas.
For major depression, medication is indicated. The medication enable you to work more effectively on your therapeutic behavior change. However, medication alone is not enough. It is only one part of a much broader and sustained care pathway. In many cases, medication-assisted interventions are indicated to promote adherence and thus treatment effectiveness.
Medications can also have unwanted effects. Only a specialized physician can decide on dosage and further monitoring. When using medications, risk assessment regarding substance abuse and inappropriate use is always recommended.
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