Succession in family businesses is not obvious. As a family member, on the one hand, you are a member of the family which in psychological terms means that there is strong loyalty between family members. This is offset by a number of challenges
The business has often grown significantly and therefore requires different skills and abilities than at startup. Not always are those skills and abilities automatically present.
Family business succession requires a thorough and systematic approach. WALSHA offers personal guidance in this.

What role does each family member play?
Aan de hand van deze resultaten kunnen mogelijke functies worden gedefinieerd en het daarbij horende traject hier naartoe.
It is important to discuss the wishes of the family members on which role they want to play. An important aspect to be considered are the wishes versus the competencies of the family member.
A thorough evaluation of this on the basis of conversations with the experience gained with the person concerned, the current manager, and on the other hand a psychological examination that maps out which strengths, weaknesses and characteristics to be developed occur.
Based on these results, possible positions and related functions can be defined and the corresponding path towards the fulfillment of those.
WALSHA approaches succession from a personal perspective where transparency is paramount. This means talking to all involved, identifying their interests and mediating possible conflicting situations. Mediation is an excellent and appropriate method for this, leading to lasting (and therefore supported) solutions.

To map the personality and potential, the NEO is applied. This is described in detail in assessments.
In doing so, we gain insights into the functioning and potential of acting and thinking in the strategic, operational and interpersonal dimensions.