The quality of your relationship is a personal evaluation.
At Walsha, we have selected a number of domains that emerge from experience.
As a couple, you can evaluate yourself individually in this.
Then the differences are looked at and worked towards each other.
Emotions are an essential factor that help determine our well-being in your relationship
What degree of ‘Soulmate’ feeling do you experience in your relationship (understanding each other deeply personally)?Connection through physical touch. This goes far beyond sex (alone).
To what extent do you know your partner? As a person, partner, parent, professional, …
Knowing yourself in what you need for your well-being. How and what do you make clear to your partner?
To what extent can I count on my partner in difficult and life-changing situations
- Passionate aspects
- Physical experience
- Sexually related problems
- Paraphilias
- Asexuality
- Gender Identity
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexuality
- Polyamory, polygamy
Emotions are an essential factor that help determine our well-being in your relationship
- Openness
- Trust
- Honesty
- Justice
- Family of origin
- Core family (KG)
- Newly Formed Family (NSG)Openness
- In-law
- Family Dynamics
- Adoption and foster care
- Intrafamily violence/abuse
- Parent-child repudiation
- Autonomy – Together
- Career and relationship
- Personal development and relationship