Walsha offers quality and scientifically based assessments to gain insights regarding personal and group level functioning.
WALSHA has accumulated extensive experience in the field of clinical psychodiagnostics. This in-depth knowledge is now being used for professional assessments. The assessments aim to provide insights and tools where both the individual and the organization can optimize functioning. These assessments are an indispensable element in mapping the profile and on this the executive and/or high potential can develop optimally.
The psychological assessment is always customized and specific to the client’s specific needs and request for help.
The NEO-PI-3 is a scientifically based Big Five personality questionnaire. The questionnaire is used to make statements about the personality of the individual. The NEO test results about the person’s personality characteristics provide critical information for taking well-considered decisions regarding the person. Examples are decisions for next steps in the personal development of high potentials or optimization of the performance of the executive, selection for jobs or in determining suitability for individual development programs.
The NEO questionnaire is one of the most researched and used instruments in the world. This success is due to the popularity of the Big Five model for describing personality, but also to the strong psychometric quality of the NEO.
The NEO-PI-3 is an adaptation of the Costa & McCrae questionnaires and measures the five major domains of personality:
Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Altruism and Conscientiousness
For each of the five domains, the NEO-PI-3 distinguishes six facets, providing a comprehensive picture of personality.
These domains can be compared to the different parts of the body:
The strategic domain is the head: it provides an idea of what is going on, it foresees the future of the organization and makes plans to move the organization forward.
The operational domain stands for the hands and feet: it ensures that things get done, results are achieved and the organization moves forward. The main associated trait is determination or willpower.
The interpersonal domain is the heart: where feelings reside and relationships are maintained. The most important associated trait is the ability to form relationships and maintained. This is sometimes referred to as emotional intelligence.
For HR assessments
Psychological report: contains all scores on the domains and facets of personality, including a work situation-oriented interpretation and extensive style charts (combinations of domains) for further analysis.
Leadership report: translates the scores achieved into the Primary Colours® Leadership Model. This report provides insight into how a person’s personality helps or hinders the development of leadership competencies.
Candidate Report: Provides an overview of the work-related personality profile in 4 areas: Problem Solving and Decision Making, Planning, Organizing and Executing, Style of Relating to Others, Personal Style.
The results of the NEO survey are integrated with the Primary Colours model.
The Primary Colours model provides a common language and set of criteria for evaluating and further developing leadership at the individual, team and organizational levels.
With these results, it becomes easy to turn business challenges into leadership challenges and define them in terms of WHAT TO DO as a leader to address their specific challenges.
The underlying structure of this model is consistent with psychological factors that have the greatest impact in shaping an individual’s leadership strengths and weaknesses. It supports a leadership assessment that identifies sustainable differences between people. In this way, it clarifies which leadership roles the individual is best suited for and also those where the individual will never be suited. With this information, complementary leaders can be created to help the organization function optimally.
With these features, the model is also well suited to benchmarking between different leaders across functions, organizations and industries.