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High-performing organizations have stronger people managers, succeed in developing and retaining talent, and reward performance intelligently. Thanks to a thoughtful people development strategy, they create a clear competitive advantage.


Executive coaching is one of the most powerful approaches in leadership development for senior executives and high-potentials.

Executive coaching is working one-on-one with a professional coach on achieving your goals and challenges where the coach supports you in your personal as well as business leadership.


“High potentials” is a term often used in the business world to describe employees who have high potential to advance to leadership positions. These employees are often selected for special training and development programs to improve their skills and develop their leadership qualities.

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Every leader – from administrator to team leader – benefits from the effective tool that coaching is in your personal development.

Executive coaching is applied to maximize your personal impact in your team and your organization.

Executive coaching is therefore always tailored to your personal goals and topics to be developed.


Executive or one-to-one coaching is particularly important where you are a leader taking on a new challenge for yourself, your team or your organization.

Examples include:

  • preparation for your new role or career
  • Managing stress, change, conflict or crisis situations
  • support in taking on a new role
  • accelerating the personal development of people seen as high potential
  • An objectified and independent sounding board for senior leaders
  • tailored development to reward and retain employees key positions critical to your organization

Mental coaching differs from executive coaching in that the primary focus is on the personal. The man in the executive. It guides the executive into personal insights of behavior and functioning, automatic reactions and their origins, your personal position relative to others. Mental coaching provides pure self-insight, gives handles for this and leads to increased self-confidence.

diagnose en wetenschappelijk onderbouwde psychodiagnostiek

In life, many people have to deal with excessive (and sometimes unnecessary) stress. This problem can arise due to a variety of causes. For example, someone makes wrong choices with negative consequences, or someone plans incorrectly and ends up in a time crunch. The work also causes stress for several people, because they are constantly under pressure or do not feel comfortable with the work they do. There is often not a direct causal relation which makes it a challenging event.

It happens that you perform an act that surprises you. It doesn’t match with the way you normally react, but in this particular situation it took place. Where does this come from? Will it repeat itself?

Often these are mental issues, with origins in the past, impacting negatively a person’s physical and mental state.

Insights from psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioural sciences and others are applied. After understanding these insights, a new narrative can be created and behavioral changes can be initiated.

In this way, people will think and act in a fundamentally different way, which makes them feel more confident and happier. As a result, serious problems such as burnout or depression are preventively and sustainably avoided.

There are several ways to identify “high potentials,” such as evaluating their performance, potential and leadership qualities. Companies can also use special tests and assessments to identify employees who have the most potential to advance to leadership positions.

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To guide “high potentials” in their personal development, it is important to start identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This will be achieved through performance reviews, feedback from peers and managers, and self-evaluations.

Then, companies may offer special training and development programs to improve the skills of “high potentials” and develop their leadership skills.

Mentoring and coaching are valuable tools to guide “high potentials” in their personal development.

WALSHA will first want to understand exactly what the objective of the organization and the high-potential is.

A proposal is then made to develop the high-potential. Always done on an objective basis with standard assessment to evaluate personal attributes and potential. Even at this early stage, it is possible to identify a “no-go” that will get in the way of the stated objective.

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We focus on three key domains:

These domains can be compared to the different parts of the body:

The strategic domain is the head: it provides an idea of what is going on, it foresees the future of the organization and makes plans to move the organization forward.

The operational domain stands for the hands and feet: it ensures that things get done, results are achieved and the organization moves forward. The main associated trait is determination or willpower.

The interpersonal domain is the heart: where feelings reside and relationships are maintained. The most important associated trait is the ability to form relationships and maintained. This is sometimes referred to as emotional intelligence.